5 lazy girl haircuts that require like, zero maintenance

Are you one of those gals that just CBF doing your hair each day?
You're like, "I wanna roll out of bed, put my clothes on and go."
And also you're not keen on living in the salon.
Oh girl, we feel you. Thus we have collated a list of lazy girl hair cuts that mean you can look bangin' straight outta bed, with perhaps a visit to the salon once or twice a year. Minimal to no styling required.
You ready for this?
Strategic layers, particularly around the face, will hold a bit more wave than that of its longer counterparts. So if you're keen to have that sort of "always beachy wave" in your hair, get your salon guru to chop in some layers.
Curly hair? Go for a curly fringe
Bit of a curly fringe, should your hair be naturally blessed with a curl, will give you an effortlessly styled look all the live long week. And it's totes in RN.
The shag
Oh the blessed shag. Always a vibe. Strikes again. Effortless styling requried as per its very name... the SHAG. Perfect for a shaggy gal.
The LOB.
Parted on the far side so you get that gorgeous canope of hair that flips over your forehead (see: Ariel the Little Mermaid). The lob length will mean no matter whether styled, wavy, straight or just air dried, will hold a lovely body that means you need not worry about spending hours slaving over a hot curling iron.
Bottleneck fringe
What is THAT? We hear you ask.
This delightful creation is layered to frame around your eyes, which will grow out into face framing layers - bit of 70s inspo.

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