TikTok's latest hair growth trend: Rosemary oil

Good old TikTok pulling through with another hair trend!
This time users are waxing lyrical about rosemary oil, touting it as a hair growth elixir.
The hashtags #RosemaryOilForHairGrowth and #RosemaryOil have clocked over 2 billion views, with users tracking their progress on the platform for all to see.
On top of the hair growth perks rosemary oil is said to have, it's also responsible for moisturising skin and combatting dandruff, due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
How to use rosemary oil in your hair
Mix five drops of it with a carrier oil (like Jojoba or coconut) and massage into your scalp. Leave for up to 10 minutes and then shampoo out.
You can also try blending it with your shampoo and conditioner, ensuring you rinse out thoroughly.
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